
  • VACANT HOMES sell on average for 15% less*.
  • Staged homes spend 78% LESS TIME ON THE MARKET than homes that are not staged*.
  • Home staging may be TAX-DEDUCTIBLE for sellers.
  • Staged homes PHOTOGRAPH BETTER which is important because 90% of potential buyers search online first.
  • Home staging lets the homeowner RETAIN 5-20% MORE HOME EQUITY*.
  • When your listing is staged by an HSR professional home stager, other REALTORS ARE MORE LIKLEY TO BRING THEIR CLIENTS to the homes that they know will show well.
  • Home staging can be THE DIFFERENCE between sitting on the market and selling.
  • The STAGING COST IS FAR LESS than a price reduction or maintaining your mortgage and utilities while it sits on the market.
  • According to Zillow, the TOP TWO THINGS YOU CAN DO TO YOUR HOME are… enhance your curb appeal, and hire a professional home stager.
  • 90% of buyers say a staged home is MUCH EASIER TO VISUALIZE AS THEIR HOME.

*National Association of Realtors


What is professional staging?

Home Staging is the preparation of a home to highlight features and hide flaws to bring the biggest R.O.I. when you sell or rent your property.  This preparation is done by a professional who specializes in this form of design and has been certified and trained on the art of home staging. It is your #1 marketing tool when selling or renting your property.  It makes photos truly show your property’s potential, which means grabbing the attention of more buyers.  You will receive more showings and will help get your home sold or leased faster and for top dollar.

How long will my home remain staged?

Each Vacant and Occupied Home Staging includes up to two weeks of rental.  After the first week, each additional week is a flat fee of $150. For Rental Property Stagings, up to one week of rental is included.

Should I put my house on the market first to see if it sells before I stage?

You never get a second chance to make a first impression! The most important time of your home being on the market is the first few weeks. After that it is considered an older listing. Older listings may end up with price reductions and/or property maintenance costs. Staging your home is far less than a typical price reduction. For example… A 5% reduction on a $250,000 dollar home is $12,500…much more than the investment of home staging.

The housing market is good, so why do I need to stage?

Even if your house sells quickly in a good market, it doesn’t mean it sold for the amount it would have sold for had it been professionally staged. Staging increases the probability of it selling quicker and for more money. Buyers of your home need to imagine “moving in” to your house instead of “moving on” to the next one! Remember, HSR/ASP certified professionally staged homes sell on a conservative average of 10%+ more in a good market!

Why can’t I just stage my own home?

A professional home stager has the resources and can objectively view the home as a product and highlight its assets while downplaying its flaws. The home seller typically cannot view their home objectively. Why? Because our homes are very personal. We don’t always see all of the flaws, or if we do, we don’t know how to downplay them. Or we have gotten used to the way it looks and lack the same outside perspective of someone who doesn’t look at it every day. It can even prove to be emotionally difficult to change it! If you can’t view something objectively, then you are unable to market and package it effectively.